Sunday, November 3, 2013

Secura Halogen Ovens

The Secura Halogen Oven Range

As mentioned elsewhere on this blog, halogen ovens are a great idea. they can save you time and money - and give you some tasty and healthy meals as well!

If you're interested in experimenting with a halogen oven, then before making any final decision, you will definitely want to have a look at the Secura range of halogen ovens. They offer a variety of different styles to suit different requirements and budgets. They are also very reliable and built to high quality standards.

Here's a brief presentation which summarizes the different models of halogen oven in the Secura range. Use the left and right arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards through the presentation.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Choosing A Halogen Oven

Why Choose A Halogen Oven?

I've been experimenting with SlideShare recently. So rather than produce a wordy post, I thought that I would make a little slide show on the benefits of halogen ovens.

Hopefully anyone who is considering getting one of these will find it useful.

Just click on the left and right arrows to move through the presentation:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Halogen Oven vs. Microwave

halogen oven vs. microwave
One of the most common questions I hear on the subject of halogen ovens is "why would I want a halogen oven when I already have a microwave?".

It's a fair question - microwave ovens have made life a lot more convenient for many people. There can't be many kitchens that don't have one these days.

The fact is that microwave ovens are absolutely brilliant devices. They save us a lot of time by helping us to heat pre-prepared food quickly.

They are absolutely ideal when you get home from work late and you feel too tired to set about preparing a lovely (but time consuming) meal. However, that is what most people use them for - heating up already prepared food quickly. Not many people actually use their microwave ovens for cooking - a quick heat up is about as taxing as it gets for most microwaves.

Halogen ovens, on the other hand, can be used for heating things up and defrosting frozen items - just like a microwave. However, because they are so versatile, you can also use them to actually cook meals - not just to heat them up.

You will find that you actually cooks stuff (quickly) a lot when you get your first halogen oven. You get the results of a traditional oven in a fraction of the time - and using a lot less energy (up to 75% less according to some manufacturers).

Halogen ovens are absolutely perfect for roasts. You'll see many of them advertised showing an image of a lovely, golden, roast chicken or turkey - and why not? It looks mouth-watering and is a great advert.

Don't forget that you can cook absolutely anything in a halogen oven. You can cook muffins and bake cakes. You can steam fish, rice and vegetables. You can even put casserole dishes inside your turbo oven and make stews (slow cook them if you want).

So, when it comes to halogen oven vs. microwave - if all that you want to do is heat up already prepared meals and defrost things, then a microwave might be all that you need. On the other hand, if you want to actually cook meals quickly, economically and in a healthy manner, then you should really consider getting yourself a halogen oven.

They are very inexpensive - and they make a great addition to any modern kitchen.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why Choose A Halogen Oven

My first introduction to halogen ovens was via a late night shopping channel. I don't mind admitting that I pretty well wrote them off as just another gimmicky gadget. Those shopping channels are great if you have insomnia - but not for much else.

I first realized that I had made a mistake when I was talking to my sister-in-law, who had just got herself a halogen oven. To say that she was somewhat enthusiastic about it would be a bit of an understatement. She had virtually stopped using her main oven and was using the halogen oven to prepare most of her meals!

The thing about halogen ovens is that they are just so versatile, fast and convenient. You can cook anything in them that you would cook in a traditional oven - but much faster, close to microwave oven times.

And you can cook all of the things that don't get on very well with microwaves - pastry, cookies, muffins, you name it. There's no need to worry about foil or metallic containers either. Cook whatever you like!

They're also easy to clean - and they use a lot less energy than standard ovens. What more do you want from a device that costs a fraction of a conventional oven's cost and fits on your counter top?